
What is your vision on Web 3.0? What are the key technologies that will make it happen?

In 2004, Web 2.0 was coined. Today is near the end of 2010. On the other words, Web 2.0 lived with us around 6 years already. It is older than windows 98, NT, 2000. Nowaday, I think all people who accessing computer must have a experience enjoying web 2.0 services such as Wiki, RSS, Blog… So far, these services are experience is positive.

In addition, some company try platform as a service, storage as a services, services as a service… from the web browser. However, due to limitation Internet speed, and browser refreshing speed, some applications cannot be applied in cloud such as 3D Games, photo editing, movie editing… Therefore, the high refreshing rate, large files rendering is not suitable for implement in web 2.0.

According to Selena, 「Web 2.0 applications that are simple photo / video storage sites are not suitable as standalone applications for setting out eportfolios. So it looks like I will have to adapt my plans. I will probably still use one of the web 2.0 applications as a repository to archive photos. It is relatively easy to post a photo on to a site like flickr from a mobile phone. Once it is there, I will need to work out how to add value to the image so that the collection of images tell a story of how competency is acquired.」

Web 3.0 contains more feature then web 2.0. As Digitial Inspiration mention, 「Web 3.0 – This will be about semantic web (or the meaning of data), personalization (e.g. iGoogle), intelligent search and behavioral advertising among other things.」

In Web 3.0, all sites, links, media and databases can be smart, automatic transmission more meaning, for example, a Web site announces a meeting behind contains many links to related information and programs, users just click the link able to immediately log the time and place logs at work, or even sent to the relevant latitude and longitude GPS, will also immediately speaker background and information sent to the list of topics related to personnel. In the future, may have all the features we can imagine and not imagine the network to applications. I think Web 3.0 will be the same as the 2.0 mode of operation and the subversion of consumer behavior.

However, in Web 3.0, ideally there should be a help you all the details ready to complete a good package tour programs, like having a travel agency staff to help you plan the same.

Also I think it support various possible applications, Web 3.0 services will be integrated with flexible, self-help way to achieve the target, if successful, will certainly more than today's search engines, but also have commercial value, Web 3.0 is significant because in response to a search problem, rather than thousands of copies of documents may be irrelevant response, this is actually a very large business applications to bring imagination.

Actually, Web 3.0 is our imagine. The new technology is still drafting in progress. 「That's not all. Many of these experts believe that the Web 3.0 browser will act like a personal assistant. As you search the Web, the browser learns what you are interested in. The more you use the Web, the more your browser learns about you and the less specific you'll need to be with your questions. Eventually you might be able to ask your browser open questions like "where should I go for lunch?" Your browser would consult its records of what you like and dislike, take into account your current location and then suggest a list of restaurants「, mentioned by HowStuffWorks.


Selena (18 May 2006). learning elearning: Limitations of Web 2.0 applications in setting up eportfolios. Retrieved from http://www.labnol.org/internet/web-3-concepts-explained/8908/

Digital Inspiration (2004-2010). What is Web 3.0? Semantic Web & other Web 3.0 Concepts Explained in Plain English:. Retrieved from http://mportfolios.blogspot.com/2006/05/limitations-of-web-20-applications-in.html

HowStuffWorks (1998-2010).HowStuffWorks "How Web 3.0 Will Work". Retrieved from http://computer.howstuffworks.com/web-30.htm

